3-Piece 5-action motion suite

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3-seater 1100(H) 2320(W) 1040(D)
2-seater 1100(H) 1680(W) 1040(D)
2-arm chair 1100(H) 1070(W) 1040(D)

Product Description

3-Piece 5-action motion suite

Alpine Lounge’s flag ship design

Quality construction, impeccable tailoring and expert craftsmanship – these are the marks of quality that Alpine has become renowned for. Kick back and relax in the comfort of generously proportioned seating with high back rests and innovative Leggett & Platt® actions. But also available in a range of other leather types, textures and colours to suit any décor choices.

This suite can be ordered with either power or manual actions
