3-Action Motion Suite

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3-seater 1060(H) 2100(W) 970(D)
2-seater 1060(H) 1500(W) 970(D)
2-arm chair 1060(H) 1010(W) 970(D)

Product Description

3-Action Motion Suite

Sit on the Caitlyn 3-Piece suite and you’ll immediately feel like you’re in a luxurious retreat. This high comfort suite offers superior high resilience foam and the incliner comes with a pull-out cup holder. It has 3 actions with the 2-seater being static. It also comes with padded backrests and armrests for soft comfortable sitting.

Available in a vast selection of fabrics to suit any décor choice
This suite has 3-actions – two on the 3-seater and one on the chair – the 2 seater is static.
The incliner can be ordered as manual, power, hi-lift or swivel.
