3-2-1 5-action motion suite

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3-seater 1100(H) 2200(W) 1120(D)
2-seater 1100(H) 1690(W) 1120(D)
2-arm chair 1100(H) 990(W) 1120(D)

Product Description

3-2-1 5-action motion suite

Experience exquisite design and comfort with your whole family. The Avalon is made with high-padded back rests, armrests and duvet type footrests. Get yours and huddle with your loved ones in the luxury of this genuine classic suite shaped for full body coziness and relaxation.

High padded back rests and armrests and duvet type footrest, 5-action motion
Available in a range of leather types, textures and colours
Incliner chair is availabe with either a manual, power, swivel or hi-lift action
